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I have a thing for ice cream |
My daughter is a teen who also has autism. Yep i'm not an autism blogger either. i am VERY pro-vaxx though and take issue with people named McCarthy. Didn't we learn anything the last time? Most of the time if i end up talking about autism it will be because there are lots of trying days. She's mainstreamed because she's on the high functioning end of the spectrum but puberty has not been kind.
I see this a lot afterschool (Photo credit: Not the car) |
I'm that mom you see that doesn't drive the mini-van, watches her kid's softball game quietly, and sits in the parking lot outside of practice with the windows down and the radio loud. I'm not polished (except my toes), I don't hover and I can always been found in jeans and a t-shirt, hence the name of this blog.
So that's my life in a nutshell. There's no telling what you may get here, hopefully you will be entertained.
All content is original and came pouring out of my head not yours. Don't steal from me. i'm mean, vindictive and related to people in law enforcement, sketchy lawyers and others with high military security clearances. You don't want to find out what i'm capable of.
If you really need to reach me for some reason, to send me hate mail, ask me private questions, orjust shoot the shit you can send an email to kiaATjeansandtshirtDOTcom