Hired assassins who work for mobsters
from the future. Looper is the story about Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
who lives in Kansas in 2044. He's a Looper where his job is to kill
anyone sent back from the future. He's given a time and location, and
its his job to kill the person sent back and dispose of the body. The
reason being that its too hard to get rid of bodies in the future.
There's something called a closed loop,
its when a Looper had to kill his future self. You get a massive
payday and you're retired to live out the next 30 years of your life
till you you get grabbed by the mob so they can close your loop. No
one seems to think this is odd or the fact that your final job is of
you killing yourself but its pretty lawless in the future, people are
starving, hungry, homeless and the mobsters rule certain cities to
the point where they own and control the police openly. The Loopers
are run by Abe (Jeff Daniels) who controls the town. He was sent from
the future and apparently all time travel is a one way deal, he has
the loopers who kill the people sent from the future and the Gat men
who are his hired muscle for the everyday around the city missions.
Loopers carry Blunderbusses, Gat men carry high caliber longer range,
more precision guns. Also in this future 10% of the population are
TK's, they have low level telekinesis and can do weak parlor tricks
like making quarters float and spin.
Young Joe doesn't seem to question too
much of anything about his job, he has his favorite hooker a
constantly underdressed and underused Piper Perabo, he's saving his
money for when his loop is closed so he can move to France, and he's
a drug addict who thinks he's got it under control. When his only
friend Seth, fails to close his own loop we see the grim side of what
happens when a Looper fails at their job. When the time comes Joe is
sent his future self closes his loop and we get to see the next 30
years of his life, of course what happens is what causes Old Joe
(Bruce Willis) when his time comes to have his loop closed doesn't go
quietly. Its a time travel movie so there's a few jumps between time
and a few scenes repeated as par for the course. Joe has a reason he
doesn't want to die in 30 years and the information of the future as
to why loops are being closed and he wants to stop his. In the middle
of all this is Sara (Emily Blunt) who's farm young Joe ends up at at,
she's there with her super smart son Cid. This kid was a casting gem.
As you get more into the story, young Joe's mission becomes clear to
him, the dangers of time travel and how your memories get sharp or
fuzzy based on what Old and Young Joe do while on the run from Abe's
guys keeps you roped in. All the Looper contracts are being closed by
the Rainmaker, old Joe's there to kill him and once you make the
connection that Cid is the Rainmaker you know all possible outcomes
are going to eat away at you. The future is dismissal but old Joe has
a slice of life worth saving to him. Old Joe is married, clean and
happy. He has to do this no matter how hard it is because the
Rainmaker takes him away from his wife.
I really enjoyed this movie, for once a
huge key element isn't given out in the trailer, I was completely
surprised by it and things I expected to happen did not. Plus this
kid Cid, highlight of the whole damn movie, keeps you invested in
this movie even though Bruce Willis hair throughout the years is so
comical you can't help but stare at it.
I give this movie a Matinee. It was
great, just not the best thing I’ve seen this year, good enough to
pay for sure but it just slightly fell short. The ending is just so
final and unexpected but fits when you stop and think about it. I
found myself dwelling on the ending for a while, there were a few
ways they could have taken it but thats what they chose.
Looper is Rated R.